20 Great Ways to Keep Fans Engaged During the Off-Season

Welcome! Today, we’ll explore how My Front Office software can help sports teams stay relevant during the off-season. Make NO mistake about it, this is a 365 day a year business and you MUST stay active in the off season. The off season is where the money is really made. That’s when you build fan base, so that your games are sold out during the regular season. This is also the time to engage potential and current sponsors.

Here are 20 ideas for the off season to stay in front of fans.

  1. Capture fans wearing your team’s merchandise year-round. Share their photos on your website and reward them with free tickets.
  2. Turn fan photos into a contest. Invite others to join in and keep the engagement going.
  3. Engage local businesses by asking them to share photos of their staff in your team’s gear. Post these on social media and your website.
  4. Surprise local businesses with a delivery of lunch or a basket of goodies, courtesy of your team.
  5. Get involved with school spirit week. Visit schools, talk to students about sports, and share training strategies.
  6. Establish a connection between sports and science to encourage participation from all students.
  7. Discuss on-trend topics that help students navigate life, even if they aren’t directly related to sports.
  8. Stay active on social media during the off-season. Engage in conversations with your fans to understand what they care about.
  9. Create content around topics that resonate with your audience or find ways to contribute to causes they care about.
  10. Keep fans updated with a monthly blog post highlighting your team’s activities.
  11. Monitor other sports teams in your area. See what drives engagement for them and put your unique spin on it.
  12. Incorporate practice sessions or other engaging content into your social media strategy.
  13. Share sports-related news even during the off-season. Create a Twitter list of popular teams, sports reporters, and athletes.
  14. Regularly share news from your Twitter list to keep your fans informed and engaged.
  15. Participate in fun holidays like National Pancake Day. Show off your team’s humorous side.
  16. Share photos of your team celebrating fun holidays. Post recipes or ask for recommendations from your fans.
  17. Use fun holidays as an excuse to throw community events like barbeques or potlucks. Invite fans to register on your website.
  18. Encourage the community to post what they’re bringing to events on your website. Foster a sense of community and engagement.
  19. Use the My Front Office Digital Card to promote team and players and sell players jerseys.
  20. Host youth summer camps.

My Front Office software makes it easy to manage all these activities and keep your fans engaged year-round.

From social media management to community events, My Front Office has the tools you need to stay relevant.

Don’t let the off-season slow you down. Keep your fans engaged and excited with My Front Office.

Start using My Front Office today and keep your sports team in the spotlight all year long.

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Thank You,

Michael H. Steadman, CEO

510-468-1814 Direct

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